Herrnstraße 43 63065 Offenbach am Main Germany
Who We are and What Is Most Important To Us At Frankfurt Presbyterian


We’re a Reformed and confessional Presbyterian church plant in Frankfurt Offenbach. We’re small, but hopefully growing.  We’re a body that seeks to build one another up in Christ and would love for you to join us on Sunday as we’re taught about, worship and proclaim Christ. Our services are in English.

Christ-Centered Preaching

We believe that preaching of the Gospel is one of the primary means of grace and a major way that God works to grow our faith. At Frankfurt Presbyterian, you will hear in every sermon…

A message that displays Christ and his work on our behalf, or our need for Christ, proclaimed from all of the scriptures.
A message that rests on the authority of Gods Word primarily and on the reformed confessions.
A clear communication of and distinction between law and gospel

Enthusiastic Proponents of the Reformation

We embrace the spirit of the Reformation (the solas) and the Reformed faith (God’s sovereignty/ TULIP, covenant theology). Our worship service is structured around the historic reformed confessions. We incorporate historic hymns and psalms, use “the language of the Christian faith”, read God’s Law and recite the historic Creeds.

Ordinary Means of Grace

We believe that God uses ordinary means in his church to build up his people in Christ. We believe that the Holy Spirit powerfully works through the preaching of the Word of God, particularly through the gospel. We believe that He also works through the faithful administration of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, as well as through public and corporate prayer. We believe that God uses these ordinary means of grace in His church to build up our faith in Him, and therefore guard and mature us in Christ.

REV. JIWON PARK was ordained to the Ministry of the Word in November 2015. Rev. PARK is a native of Frankfurt-Rhine-Main. Having a love for reformed theology, he pursued theological studies at the university of Potchefstroom (BaTh and LTh) and received his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Seminary in Escondido, CA, where he studied under such scholars as Dr. Michael Horton, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Dr. R.S. Clark, Dr. S.M. Baugh, Dr. David VanDrunen and Dr. D.G. Hart. Currently he is planting a reformed confessional church in Frankfurt.